Last year was definitely a crazy year for me. On January 4th, I had finally gotten home from a three month stint working in Hawaii on a film job and on January 7th, I was flying out to the first city in what would be a six month tour with NUVO around the United States. NUVO is a dance competition and convention produced by Break The Floor Productions with a stellar faculty and excellent reputation. They hired me to be their head photographer which meant that I would be capturing photos of nearly every routine competing as well as the convention classes and if you have any experience with large dance competitions, you know this is quite the endeavor. Long hours (usually 16-18hr days), a new city every Thursday, and a mere 3 nights a week in your own bed was exhausting but it was truly an experience unlike any other. By the end of the year I had been on over 50 flights and visited more than 23 cities! The photos below are some of my favorites from the NUVO 2016 tour, please enjoy and please do not copy any photos or use without permission! Many thanks :)

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