A continuation of my last blog post, this session features the beautiful Kristina Koumaeva. We wanted these shots to exude confidence so we had to consider what made Kristina her most confident self. Looking your best is always a great way to feel confident so Paisley West chose a sexy but laid back outfit for Kristina. She had braids in so we used that natural wave to really pump up the volume and gave her a nice bronzed eye makeup to match. Because Kristina is a dancer at her core, she's most comfortable when moving so we turned on some music and she did what she does best! This is my favorite way to shoot because I love the life that movement can bring to an image. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Modeled by: Kristina Koumaeva
Styled by: Paisley West
Hair/Makeup,Photography, Retouching: Dakota Elizabeth
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