This session was such a blast! Maquinna was the winner of the last Instagram contest I ran and she wanted to shoot in an urban location where she could really show off her technique. We went with Pioneer Square in part because the brick is so beautiful and also for the variety of walkable locations within the area. Our day started at 7am, about 45 minutes before the sun rose, to do hair and makeup. Once that was complete and we had our coffees to keep us warm (it was SO cold that morning!), we dove straight into things!
Armed with fuzzy blankets and our warm beverages, we shot all around the Pioneer Square area. We started with the yellow dress to help brighten up the moody light we were getting from Seattle's ever dependable clouds and then moved to the leather dress as things brightened up. I loved the floral dress as well and loved how it complimented the locations we chose. I always provide my clients with wardrobe advice but Maquinna really didn't need any help and had absolutely impeccable taste! The variety of textures she chose really helped make these images.
Let us know what you thought of this series in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!
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