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Dancing with Sydney

While we were at NRG dance nationals last year in Arizona, I had the chance to have a session with miss Sydney (@hiphopdancer520 on IG). She has such incredible emotional depth for such a young soul and it really shines when she dances. We shot this session at the Arizona Grand Hotel which ended up being a really fun location. The resort is stunning and has a variety of looks so we had no problem finding scenic backgrounds. The only thing I would have changed was the heat! Arizona in the middle of the summer could have killed me 😂🔥

These water shots were my favorite part. In order to get Sydney's face covered with just the right amount of water, we had an assistant (thanks, Karen!) helping her float on her back who would then push her just below the water's surface. It takes a lot of concentration to keep your face calm when you're being pushed underwater but Sydney did an excellent job. It was an awesome way to end the session and a great way to cool off in the 115º heat!

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